Welcome to Deer Park United Church! Our Sunday service begins at 10:30 AM, and is often followed by a time of refreshments in the Geneva Room. While we like to know everyone at the service, we want visitors to be comfortable. Therefore, we support visitors introducing themselves at any pace.
During Sunday worship services, children can enjoy an area with books, tables containing activity bags, and some toys and chairs at the back of the sanctuary. Children may take an activity bag to the pew and return it at the end of the service. The children will be invited to participate in Children’s Time, a short lesson on the steps at the front of the sanctuary. Most Sunday services throughout the school year, after Children’s Time, trained adult leaders will lead the children who wish to participate to the Children’s Worship Centre. This beautiful, sacred space on the second floor allows the children to sing together, listen to the word of God, and have the opportunity to respond with stories, art, prayer, and a “feast”.